Andover English Language ‘stars of the future’ on TV!

Andover College English Language students once again joined the live audience for Channel 5’s popular magazine programme, ‘The Wright Stuff’, gaining valuable experience of seeing live TV broadcasting in action.
The debate-packed programme included topics such as ‘Brexit’, ‘should we all support the homeless more?’ and ‘do exams push children to their limits?’ which keen student Alex Harmer-Legall bravely discussed live on TV with the panel.
Following the programme, Matthew Wright tweeted Andover College to compliment the students, saying: “Always great to meet the stars of the future!” English Language students are regulars to the set of the programme, with this being the sixth year the students have had the valuable experience of seeing a live TV broadcasting in action.
This one-of-a-kind opportunity provided A Level students with specific insight from industry experts into the spoken language and how it is used in the media as well as broadening students’ understanding of how topics are represented, and how reactions form as a result. Students were also able to view the recording of the show in the production gallery, providing students aiming to work in the industry with a strong insight in to how a TV show is put together.
Rob Price, A Level English Language lecturer and Curriculum Leader commented: “After the show, presenter Matthew Wright and a number of the crew held an amazing question and answer session with the students giving insight into what it takes to be a journalist and broadcaster. Matthew Wright’s responses were all helpful for the students’ understanding of spoken language in action as well as for their potential future career paths.”
English Language, amongst other A Levels all have a 100% pass rate. Rob Price believes the great trips and visits maximise the learning experience on the course. “We contextualise learning for our students, taking the theory out of the classroom, preparing them for the real world and higher study.”
For further information on our full range of English courses, come to our next Open Event on Wednesday 15 November, 4:30- 7:30pm. Book a place now!