Andover College celebrates student success in an unprecedented year

Andover College celebrated its students’ success on A Level Results Day a little differently in 2020. There was the same pride and sense of achievement from staff, students and parents as students came to collect their results but the day followed government guidelines for social distancing. Students still welcomed the opportunity to see their peers and lecturers and celebrate all they have achieved during their time at the college, especially in the last few extraordinary months.
Ben Stokes, Vice Principal, Curriculum Andover said:
“This year’s group of students, despite facing challenges that very few generations will ever have to experience, demonstrated a continued resilience and commitment to their learning that left us all full of admiration. Against a backdrop of knowing that exams would not take place this year, this remarkable cohort engaged in online delivery, completed work that was set and showed a level of commitment to their education that was wonderful to see.
“The results our 2020 Leavers have achieved will stand the test of time. It is important that we recognise their determination to achieve their qualifications and that they have achieved them in a more challenging time than any group before them. The grounding they received from our feeder schools and the work they have done with our teaching and support staff – and of course with the support of their families – demonstrates the very real and lasting impact that a strong, nurturing environment can have. They will all undoubtedly progress on to great things in the future. We are immensely proud of them and they should be proud of themselves.”
“The college has and will continue to provide an extensive careers and university support package to all students leaving college in 2020. Students who were on campus collecting results on Thursday were able to have a 1:1 session with a careers advisor to discuss their next steps. For all students leaving college in 2020, there will be continued, enhanced Careers support available from now until the end of September. The college will be offering 1:1 interviews, a Careers Hotline, and webinars on Higher Education, Apprenticeships and Employment. The college has also taken on extra careers advisers during this time to provide this much needed support to the class of 2020.”
Carol Allen, Head of Careers at Andover College said:
“It has been an eventful year, and each and every student deserves a big pat on the back – no matter what their results are. We also know that no matter what their goal, university, apprenticeship or employment some of our 2020 leavers may need a bit more help in the weeks to come. The careers department in conjunction with the Southern Universities Network is delighted to be able to offer an enhanced programme of careers support from results day until the end of September. Huge congratulations from us to all!
Paul Gatehouse, Andover College Student, said :
“I’m extremely pleased with my results – I got three A*s in Maths, Physics, and Computer Science. I’m off to University of Southampton to study Mechanical Engineering.
The quality of teaching here is really, really good. You can always get help when you need it, the smaller class sizes are perfect for me – I couldn’t ask for more from the College really.
I thought the way Andover College implemented distanced learning over the pandemic has worked really well.”
Paul Lovett, Andover College physics teacher, said:
“Paul worked so hard for his results and he really deserves them and his attitude to his studies was first class – amongst the best I’ve ever taught. He’s contributed loads on Microsoft Teams during Lockdown, and he deserves every grade he has achieved.”
Jessica Porter, Andover College Student, said:
“I’m really happy! I got an A in maths, photography and physics, and a C in German. I got what I needed to get in to the University of Southampton to study Aeronautical Engineering.
We’ve had lots of online lessons before the term broke up and the College has been really good at explaining all of that. Having a socially distanced celebration like this on results day has allowed us to see all of our friends and celebrate together, and I’m really grateful about that.”
Beth Langley, Andover College Student, said:
“I got straight As in my results. I’m really happy and impressed at myself, I worked really hard for both of the years at Andover College, and tried hard in all of my coursework, so I’m really glad it’s all paid off!
I’m off to the University of Chichester to study Theatre – I’m so excited!
I have absolutely loved all of my teachers! They’ve all been incredibly helpful, not just in my learning but for my wellbeing as well. They are always making sure we are okay and happy, and I am always excited to go to my lessons. I’m really going to miss them all!”
Mark Langley , Parent of Andover College student Beth Langley, said:
“I’m super proud of Beth. She’s worked hard all the way back since primary school, and it’s really paid off. She’s always studying hard, so to see this as a result of all of her hard work is amazing.”
Aaliyah Bassey, Andover College Student, said:
“I got two B’s in English Literature and my Extended Project.
Studying at Andover College has been amazing, and my time here has been really fun. Everyone is always willing to help you out, there’s always someone to talk to. Even if you aren’t a teacher’s student, they always want to see you succeed and help you out in any way they can. This really helped me in my Extended Project, where I created my own podcast!
I’ve also been a student ambassador and on the student council during my time here at Andover College, and this work will help me in my upcoming Apprenticeship as a Student Support and School Liaison officer. I’m really excited to start!”
For further information on the range of both A Level and vocational courses available at Andover College go to email or call 01264 360000.