Andover College welcomes World War 2 veteran, Mr Briant

Andover College’s History students welcomed Mr Briant in to their classroom when he came in to have a look at the WW1 exhibition the students created to commemorate the anniversary of the end of the First World War. Mr Briant spoke to them all about his service during World War 2 happily answering all of the students’ questions with memories of his first-hand experience of war and a great sense of humour.
Mr Briant is a 72-year-old veteran who joined the war in 1942 serving in the Royal Artillery. He drove mules carrying ammunition from place to place throughout the conflict. He told the students all about his experience from how he joined the army to all the places he visited.
Student Issy said: ‘It was an interesting talk and it was amazing to hear real life stories from an experienced veteran’s perspective. We learn about the subject during lessons using lots of different resources but to hear what it was like from someone who witnessed it first hand was a completely different way to learn.’
Andover College History Lecturer, Caroline, said: It was a huge privilege to be part of the visit from World War 2 veteran, Mr Briant. Students got the chance to meet someone who lived through the conflict and who talked and shared stories about their experiences of war. Visits like this enhance students’ understanding and put their knowledge into context far more effectively than a textbook!”
Head of Centre, Ben Stokes also said: ‘It is so important that we educate our learners on important historic events that have helped shape our way of life. The work at the exhibition shows a remarkable level of maturity that highlights the horrors of the Great War. Understanding this and what people went through in the early 20th Century can help us make the right decisions in the future. Caroline our History teacher and her students should be commended for how they have approached the events surrounding World War I and the level of academic intellect shown in their work is remarkable.’
At Andover College the emphasis is on enhancing the learning experience at every opportunity, to find out more come along to an open event.